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- Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2005, 2008) Introduction to Computational Micromechanics
UCB Link: - Zohdi, T. I. (2007) Introduction to the modeling and simulation of particulate flows
SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Link: - Zohdi, T. I. (2012) Electromagnetic Properties of Multiphase Dielectrics. A Primer on Modeling, Theory and Computation
UCB Link: - Zohdi, T. I. (2012) Dynamics of Charged Particulate Systems. Modeling, Theory and Computation
UCB Link: - Zohdi, T. I. (2014) A Finite Element Primer for Beginners
UCB Link: T. Zohdi Book Review by D. Givoli (2016) in IACM Expressions Magazine: A Finite Element Primer for Beginners: the Basics
Download Link: Click here
- T. Zohdi Book Review by D. Givoli (2016) in IACM Expressions Magazine: A Finite Element Primer for Beginners: the Basics
- Zohdi, T. I. (2018) A finite element primer for beginners-extended version including sample tests and projects. Second Edition
UCB Link: - Zohdi, T. I. (2018) Modeling and Simulation of Functionalized Materials for Additive Manufacturing and 3D printing: Continuous and Discrete media
UCB Link: - Zohdi, T. I. (2022) Modeling and Simulation of Infectious Diseases: Microscale Transmission, Decontamination and Macroscale Propagation UCB link:
All Publications
1. Zohdi, T. I. and Meletis, E. I. (1992). On the intergranular hydrogen embrittlement mechanism of Al-Li alloys. Scripta Metallurgica. 26, 1615-1620.
2. Zohdi, T. I., Oden, J. T. and Rodin, G. J. (1996). Hierarchical modeling of heterogeneous bodies. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 138, 273-298.
3. Oden, J. T. and Zohdi, T. I. (1997). Analysis and adaptive modeling of highly heterogeneous elastic structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 148, 367-391.
4. Zohdi, T. I., Feucht, M., Gross, D. and Wriggers, P.(1998). A description of macroscopic damage via microstructural relaxation. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. 43, 493-507.
5. Wriggers, P., Zavarise, G. and Zohdi, T. I. (1998). A computational study of interfacial debonding damage in fibrous composite materials. Computational Materials Science. 12, 39-56.
6. Zohdi, T. I. and Meletis, E. I.(1998). Calculation of hydrogen buildup in the neighborhood of intergranular cracks. The Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials. 9, No. 1, 23-33.
7. Moes, N., Oden, J. T., and Zohdi, T. I.(1998). Investigation of the interaction of numerical error and modeling error in the Homogenized Dirichlet Projection Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 159, 79-101.
8. Zohdi, T. I. andWriggers, P. (1999). A domain decomposition method for bodies with microstructure based upon material regularization. The International Journal of Solids and Structures. 36, No. 17, 2507-2526.
9. Zohdi, T. I., Hutter, K., and Wriggers, P. (1999). A technique to describe the macroscopic pressure dependence of diffusive properties of solid materials containing heterogeneities. Computational Materials Science. 15, 69-88.
10. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (1999). On the effects of microstress on macroscopic diffusion processes. Acta Mechanica. 136, No 1-2, 91-107.
11. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2000). A computational model for interfacial damage through microstructural cohesive zone relaxation. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics.
12. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2000). Phenomenological modeling and numerical simulation of the environmental degradation of multiphase engineering materials. Archive of Applied Mechanics (Ingenieur Archiv). 70, 47-64.
13. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2000). On the sensitivity of homogenized material responses at infinitesimal and finite strains. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering. 16. 657-670.
14. Zohdi, T. I. (2000). Overall solution-difference bounds on the effects of material inhomogeneities. The Journal of Elasticity. 58 (3), 249-255.
15. Zohdi, T. I. (2000). Some remarks on hydrogen trapping. The International Journal of Fracture/ Letters in Micromechanics. 106 No. 2, L9-L14.
16. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2001). A model for simulating the deterioration of structural-scale material responses of microheterogeneous solids.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 190, 22-23, 2803-2823.
17. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2001). Aspects of the computational testing of the mechanical properties of microheterogeneous material samples. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering.50, 2573-2599.
18. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2001). Modeling and simulation of the decohesion of particulate aggregates in a binding matrix. Engineering Computations. 18, 1/2, 79-95.
19. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2001). A Petrov-Galerkin transformation that eliminates spurious oscillations for heterogeneous diffusion-reaction equations. Computational Materials Science. 21, 2, 255-260.
20. Zohdi, T. I. and Wriggers, P. (2001). Computational micro-macro material testing. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. Vol 8, 2, 131-228.
21. Zohdi, T. I., Wriggers, P. and Huet, C. (2001). A method of substructuring large-scale computational micromechanical problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
22. Zohdi, T. I. (2001). Computational optimization of vortex manufacturing of advanced materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 190. 46-47, 6231-6256.
23. Zohdi, T. I. (2001). On the propagation of microscale material uncertainty in a class of hyperelastic finite deformation stored energy functions. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. 112, L13-L17.
24. Zohdi, T. I. (2002). An adaptive-recursive staggering strategy for simulating multifield coupled processes in microheterogeneous solids. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. 53, 1511-1532.
25. Zohdi, T. I. (2002). The tailoring of microstructures for prescribed effective properties. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. 114, L15-L20.
26. Zohdi, T. I. (2002). Modeling and simulation of progressive penetration of multilayered ballistic fabric shielding. Computational Mechanics. 29, 61-67.
27. Zohdi, T. I. (2002). Simulation of time-discontinuous chemically-aided intergranular fracture. Computational Materials Science. 24 (4), 490-500.
28. Zohdi, T. I. and Steigmann, D. J. (2002). The toughening effect of microscopic filament misalignment on macroscopic fabric response. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. 118, No. 4, L71-L76.
29. Zohdi, T. I. (2002). Incorporation of microfield distortion into rapid effective property design. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. Vol. 7, Number 3, 237-254.
30. Zohdi, T. I., Monteiro, P. J. M. and Lamour, V. (2002). Extraction of elastic moduli from granular compacts. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics.115, L49-L54.
31. Zohdi, T. I. (2002). Bounding envelopes in multiphase material design. The Journal of Elasticity. 66, 47-62.
32. Zohdi, T. I., Kachanov, M. and Sevostianov, I. (2002). On perfectly-plastic flow in porous material. The International Journal of Plasticity. 18, 1649-1659.
33. Zohdi, T. I. (2003). Large-scale statistical inverse computation of inelastic accretion in transient granular flows. The International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. Vol. 8, Issue 38, 1205-1219.
34. Zohdi, T. I. (2003). Genetic design of solids possessing a random-particulate microstructure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Vol: 361, No: 1806, 1021-1043.
35. Zohdi, T. I. (2003). On the compaction of cohesive hyperelastic granules at finite strains. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Vol. 454. Num. 2034, 1395-1401.
36. Zohdi, T. I. (2003). Computational design of swarms. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. 57, 2205-2219.
37. Zohdi, T. I. (2003). Constrained inverse formulations in random material design. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.1-20. 192, 28-30, 18, 3179-3194.
38. Zohdi, T. I. (2003). On the sensitivity of a class of finite-deformation high strain-rate ballistic models to constitutive parameter uncertainty. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. 119, No. 2, L47-L52.
39. Zohdi, T. I. (2004). Staggering error control for a class of inelastic processes in random microheterogeneous solids. The International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 39, 281-297.
40. Zohdi, T. I. (2004). Modeling and simulation of a class of coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical processes in multiphase solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Vol. 193/6-8 679-699.
41. Zohdi, T. I., Holzapfel, G. A. and Berger, S. A. (2004). A phenomenological model for atherosclerotic plaque growth and rupture. The Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 227, Issue 3, pp. 437-443.
42. Zohdi, T. I. (2004). Modeling and direct simulation of near-field granular flows. The International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol 42/2 pp 539-564.
43. Zohdi, T. I. (2004). A computational framework for agglomeration in thermo-chemically reacting granular flows. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Vol. 460. Num. 2052, 3421-3445.
44. Zohdi, T. I. (2005). Statistical ensemble error bounds for homogenized microheterogeneous solids. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics. (Zeitschrift f¨ur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik). Volume 56, Number 3. 497-515.
45. Zohdi, T. I. (2005). Charge-induced clustering in multifield particulate flow The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. Volume 62, Issue 7, Pages 870-898
46. Temizer, I. and Zohdi, T. I. (2005). Fragmentation and agglomeration in microscale granular flows. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Vol. 131, L37-L44.
47. Zohdi, T. I. and Kachanov, M. (2005). A note on the micromechanics of plastic yield of porous solids The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Vol. 133, L31-L35.
48. Zohdi, T. I. (2005). A simple model for shear stress mediated lumen reduction in blood vessels. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. Volume 4, Number 1, p57 – 61.
49. Zohdi, T. I. and Szeri, A. J. (2005). Fatigue of kidney stones with heterogeneous microstructure subjected to shock wave lithotripsy. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials. Volume 75B, Issue 2, Date: November 2005, Pages: 351-358.
50. Zohdi, T. I. and Powell, D. (2006). Multiscale construction and large-scale simulation of structural fabric undergoing ballistic impact. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 195, 94-109.
51. Zohdi, T. I. (2006). On the optical thickness of disordered particulate media. Mechanics of Materials. Volume 38, 969-981.
52. Zohdi, T. I. (2006). Uncertainty growth in hypo-elastic material models. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. Vol 11., Num. 6, 555-562.
53. Zohdi, T. I and Kuypers, F. A. (2006). Modeling and rapid simulation of multiple red blood cell light scattering. Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface. Volume 3, Number 11 Pages 823-831.
54. Zohdi, T. I. (2006). Computation of the coupled thermo-optical scattering properties of random particulate systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 195, 5813-5830.
55. Temizer, I. and Zohdi, T. I. (2007). A numerical method for homogenization in non-linear elasticity. Computational Mechanics. Volume 40, Number 2, 281-298.
56. Zohdi, T. I. (2007) P-wave induced energy and damage distribution in agglomerated granules Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 15, S435-S448.
57. Zohdi, T. I. (2007). A computational framework for network modeling of fibrous biological tissue deformation and rupture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 196, 2972-2980.
58. Zohdi, T. I. (2007). Computation of strongly coupled multifield interaction in particle-fluid systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 196, 3927-3950.
59. Zohdi, T. I. (2007). Particle collision and adhesion under the influence of near-fields. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Volume 2, No. 6, 1011-1018
60. Dirksen, F. and Zohdi, T. I. (2007) On effective energy reflectance of particulate materials. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Fracture and Micromechanics. 145: 341-347.
61. Arbelaez, D., Zohdi, T. I. and Dornfeld, D. (2008) Modeling and Simulation of Material Removal with Particulate Flow. Computational Mechanics. Volume 42, 749-759.
62. Sevostianov, I, Kachanov, M., and Zohdi, T. I. (2008). On computation of the compliance and stiffness contribution tensors of inhomogeneities of non-ellipsoidal shapes. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 45 (16), 4375-4383.
63. Zohdi, T. I. (2008) On the computation of the coupled thermo-electromagnetic response of continua with particulate microstructure. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. 76, 1250-1279.
64. Arbelaez, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2009) Uncertainty quantification of the subsurface failure of composites with nanoscale constituents. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 6, 2307-2316.
65. Zohdi, T. I. (2009) Mechanistic modeling of swarms. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 198, Issues 21-26, Pages 2039-2051.
66. Powell, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2009) Attachment mode performance of network-modeled ballistic fabric shielding. Composites Part B: Engineering. Volume 40, Issue 6, Pages 451-460.
67. Arbelaez, D., Zohdi, T. I. and Dornfeld, D. (2009) On impinging near-field granular jets. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. Volume 80, Issue 6, pp. 815-845.
68. Powell, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2009) A note on flaw-induced integrity reduction of structural fabric. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Vol. 158, L89-L96.
69. Zohdi, T. I. (2009) Microfibril-based estimates of the ballistic limit of multilayered fabric shielding. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Vol. 158, L81-L88.
70. Zohdi, T. I. (2009) Dielectric breakdown elimination via particulate additives. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Volume 159, L247-L253.
71. Zohdi, T. I. (2010) Charged wall-growth in channel-flow. The International Journal of Engineering Science. 48, 1520.
72. Choi, S., Park, I., Hao, Z., Holman, H. Y., Pisano, A. P. and Zohdi, T. I. (2010). Ultra-fast self-assembly of micro-scale particles by open channel flow.Langmuir. 26 (7), pp 4661-4667.
73. Zohdi, T. I. (2010) On the dynamics of charged electromagnetic particulate jets. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. Volume 17, Number 2, 109-135
74. Zohdi, T. I. (2010) Localized electrical current propagation in stochastically perturbed atmospheres. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. Volume 84, 27-46.
75. Wenk, J. F., Papadopoulos, P., Zohdi, T. I. (2010) Numerical Modeling of Stress in Stenotic Arteries with Microcalcifications: A Micromechanical Approximation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 132, 091011-1-11.
76. Zohdi, T. I. (2010) High-speed impact with electromagnetically sensitive fabric and induced projectile spin. Computational Mechanics. 46. 399-415.
77. Zohdi, T. I., Kuypers, F. A. and Lee, W. C. (2010) Estimation of Red Blood Cell volume fraction from overall permittivity measurement. The International Journal of Engineering Science. 48, 1681-1691.
78. Choi, S., Stassi, S., Pisano, A. P. and Zohdi, T. I. (2010) Coffee-Ring Effect-Based Three Dimensional Patterning of Micro, Nanoparticle Assembly with a Single Droplet. Langmuir. 26 (14), pp 11690-11698.
79. Zohdi, T. I. (2010) Simulation of coupled microscale multiphysical-fields in particulate-doped dielectrics with staggered adaptive FDTD. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volume 199, 79-101.
80. Zohdi, T. I. (2011) Dynamics of clusters of charged particulates in electromagnetic fields. The International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. 85, 1140-1159.
81. Zohdi, T. I. (2011) Joule-heating field phase-amplification in particulate-doped dielectrics. The International Journal of Engineering Science. 49, 30-40.
82. Zohdi, T. I. (2011) Electromagnetically-induced deformation of functionalized fabric. The Journal of Elasticity. Volume 105, Numbers 1-2. 381-398.
83. Mseis, G. and Zohdi, T. I. (2011) Micromechanical modeling and numerical simulation of chainmail armor. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Volume 170, L183-L190.
84. Demko, M., Choi, S. Zohdi, T. I. and Pisano, A. P. (2012) High resolution patterning of nanoparticles by eavporative self-assembly enabled by in-situ creation and mechanical lift-off of a polymer template. Applied Physics Letters. 99, 253102-1-253102-3.
86. Zohdi, T. I. (2012) Estimation of electrical-heating load-shares for sintering of powder mixtures. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Vol. 468, 2174-2190.
87. Klepach, D., Lee, L. C, Wenk, J., Ratcliffe, M., Zohdi, T. I., Navia, J., Kassab, G., Kuhl, E. and Guccione, J. M. (2012). Growth and remodeling of the left ventricle: a case study of myocardial infarction and surgical ventricular restoration. Mechanics Research Comminucations. 42, 134-
88. Zohdi, T. I. (2012) Modeling and simulation of the optical response rod-functionalized reflective surfaces. Computational Mechanics. Volume 50, Issue 2, pp 257-268.
89. Zohdi, T. I. (2012) On the relationship between the H-Tensor and the concentration tensor and their bounds. The International Journal of Fracture/Letters in Micromechanics. Volume 177, Issue 1, pp 89-95.
90. Zohdi, T. I. (2012) Modeling and simulation of electrification delivery in functionalized textiles in electromagnetic fields. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Volumes 245246, Pages 206-216.
91. Zohdi, T. I. (2013) On the reduction of heat generation in lubricants using microscale additives. The International Journal of Engineering Science. Volume 62, Pages 84-89.
92. Zohdi, T. I. (2013) Electromagnetically-induced vibration in particulate-doped materials. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.
93. Zohdi, T. I. (2013) Numerical simulation of charged particulate cluster-droplet impact on electrified surfaces. Journal of Computational Physics. 233, 509-526.
94. Zohdi, T. I. (2013) On inducing compressive residual stress in microscale print-lines for flexible electronics. The International Journal of Engineering Science. Volume 62, Pages 157-164.
95. Zohdi, T. I. (2013) Variational Bounds for Thermal Fields in Media with Heterogeneous Microstructure. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 1081286512468372
96. Dirksen, F., Anselmann, M., Zohdi, T. I. and Lammering, R. (2013). Incorporation of flexural hinge fatigue-life cycle criteria into the topological design of compliant small-scale devices. Elsevier-Precision Engineering. Volume 37, Issue 3, July 2013, Pages 531-541.
97. Zohdi, T. I. (2013) Modeling electrical power absorption and thermally-induced biological tissue damage. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology.
99. Choi, S., Pisano, A. P. and Zohdi. T. I. (2013) An Analysis of Evaporative Self-Assembly of Micro Particles in Printed Picoliter Suspension Droplets.Journal of Thin Solid Films. Volume 537, 30, Pages 180-189.
100. Zohdi, T. I. (2013). Rapid simulation of laser processing of discrete particulate materials. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. pages 1-17.
101. Zohdi, T. I. (2014). A direct particle-based computational framework for electrically-enhanced thermo-mechanical sintering of powdered materials.Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. pages 1-21.
102. Klepach, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2014) Modeling and simulation of deformation-dependent diffusion in composite media. Composites Part B: Engineering. Volume 56, 413-423
103. Zohdi, T. I. (2014). On cross-correlation between thermal gradients and electric fields. The International Journal of Engineering Science. Volume 74, 143-150.
104. Zohdi, T. I. (2014) Mechanically-driven accumulation of microscale material at coupled solid-fluid interfaces in biological channels. The Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 11: 20130922
105. Mukherjee, D. and Zohdi, T. I. Electromagnetic control of charged particulate spray systems – Models for planning the spray gun operations. Computer-Aided Design. Volume – 46. 211 – 215.
106. Gutierrez, M. P. and Zohdi, T. I. Effective Reflectivity and Heat Generation in Sucrose and PMMA Mixtures. Energy and Buildings 71 (2014) 95–103
107. Zohdi, T. I. (2014). A computational modeling framework for heat transfer processes in laser-induced dermal tissue removal. Computational Mechanics in Engineering and Sciences. Volume 98, No.3, pp. 261-277
108. Campello, E. M. B. and Zohdi, T. I. (2014). A computational framework for simulation of the delivery of substances into cells. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. Volume 30, Issue 11, pp. 1132-1152.
109. Campello, E. M. B. and Zohdi, T. I. (2014). Design evaluation of a particle bombardment system to deliver substances into cells. Computational Mechanics in Engineering and Sciences. Volume 98, No. 2, pp. 221-245.
110. Zohdi, T. I. (2014) Additive particle deposition and selective laser processing-a computational manufacturing framework. Computational Mechanics. 54: 171-191.
111. Zohdi, T. I. (2014) Embedded electromagnetically sensitive particle motion in functionalized fluids. Computational Particle Mechanics. 1: 27-45.
112. Zohdi, T. I. (2014). Impact and penetration resistance of network models of coated lightweight fabric shielding. GAMM-Mitteilungen. Volume 37, Issue 1, pp. 123-150.
113. Mukherjee, D., Zaky, Z., Zohdi, T. I., Salama, A., and Sun, S. (2015). Investigation of guided particle transport for noninvasive healing of damaged piping system using electro-magneto-mechanical methods. Journal of Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal. SPE 169639, pp. 1-12.
114. Ahuja, A., Mosalam, K. and Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Computational modeling of translucent concrete. ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering. 21(2), B4014008.
115. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Modeling and simulation of coupled cell proliferation and regulation in heterogeneous tissue. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 43(7):1666-79.
116. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Rapid computation of statistically-stable particle/feature ratios for consistent substrate stresses in printed flexible electronics. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ASME. MANU-14-1476
117. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). A computational modeling framework for high-frequency particulate obscurant cloud performance. The International Journal of Engineering Science. 89, 75-85.
118. Mukherjee, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2015). A Discrete Element Based Simulation Framework to Investigate Particulate Spray Deposition Processes. Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 290, 298-317.
119. Mukherjee, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Computational Modeling of the Dynamics and Interference Effects of an Erosive Granular Jet Impacting a Porous, Compliant Surface. Granular Matter. Volume 17, 231-252.
120. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). On necessary pumping pressures for industrial process-driven particle-laden fluid flows. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ASME.
121. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). On the thermal response of a laser-irradiated powder particle in additive manufacturing. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Volume 10, August 2015, Pages 7783.
122. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Modeling and simulation of the post-impact trajectories of particles in oblique precision shot-peening. Computational Particle Mechanics.
123. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Modeling and simulation of cooling-induced residual stresses in heated particulate mixture depositions. Computational Mechanics. Volume 56, 613-630.
124. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Modeling and efficient simulation of the deposition of particulate flows onto compliant substrates. The International Journal of Engineering Science.
125. Zohdi, T. I. (2015). Modeling and simulation of laser processing of particulate-functionalized materials. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.
126. Casas, G., Mukherjee, D., Celigueta, M. A., Zohdi, T. I. and Onate, E. (2015). A modular, partitioned, discrete element framework for industrial grain distribution systems with rotating machinery. Computational Particle Mechanics.
127. Zohdi, T. I. (2016). On firework blasts and qualitative parameter dependency. Proceedings of the Royal Society.
128. Zohdi, T. I. (2016). A discrete element and ray framework for rapid simulation of acoustical dispersion of microscale particulate agglomerations.Computational Mechanics.
129. Patel, B. and Zohdi, T. I. (2016). Numerical estimation of effective electromagnetic properties for design of particulate composites. Materials and Design.
130. Ganeriwala, R. and Zohdi, T. I. (2016) A coupled discrete element-finite difference model of selective laser sintering. Granular Matter
131. Queiruga, A. and Zohdi, T. I. (2016). Microscale Modeling of Effective Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Textiles. The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
132. Queiruga, A. and Zohdi, T. I. (2016). Formulation and Analysis of a Fully-Coupled Dynamically Deforming Electromagnetic Wire. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
133. Ogawa, Y., Nakamoto, K., Ota, M., Fukaya, T., Russell, M., Zohdi, T. I., Yamazaki, K. and Aoyama, H. (2016). A study on machining of binder-less polycrystalline diamond by femtosecond pulsed laser for fabrication of micro milling tools. CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology.
134. Zohdi, T. I. (2016). On progressive blast envelope evolution of charged particles in electromagnetic fields. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
135. Zohdi, T. I. (2016). An agent-based computational framework for simulation of competing hostile planet-wide populations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
136. Zohdi, T. I. (2016). On high-frequency radiation scattering sensitivity to surface roughness in particulate media. Computational Particle Mechanics.
137. Shaul, S. and Zohdi, T.I (2016). Semi-analytical solution for laminar particle-laden flow in curved lumina with permeable walls. Mechanics Research Communications.
138. Zohdi, T. I. (2016). An explicit macro-micro phase-averaged stress correlation for particle-enhanced composite materials in loaded structures.International Journal of Engineering Science.
139. Mueller, R., Sabel, M., Sator, C. and Zohdi, T. I. (2017). Application of the particle finite element method in machining simulation of the alpha-shape method in the context of strength of materials. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering.
140. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). On the biomechanical analysis of the calories expended in a straight boxing jab. J. R. Soc. Interface 14: 20170153.
141. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). Computational modeling of electrically-driven deposition of ionized polydisperse particulate powder mixtures in advanced manufacturing processes. Journal of Computational Physics.
142. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). Modeling and rapid simulation of the propagation and multiple branching of electrical discharges in gaseous atmospheres.Computational Mechanics.
143. Zohdi, T. I. and Cabalo, J. (2017). On the thermomechanics and footprint of fragmenting blasts. International Journal of Engineering Science.
144. Zohdi, T. I.(2017). On the dynamics and breakup of quadcopters using a discrete element
method framework. Computational Methods in Applied Mechanical Engineering.
145. Schaler, E. W., Zohdi, T. I. and Fearing, R. S. (2017). Thin-Film Repulsive-Force Electrostatic Actuators. Sensors and Actuators.
146. Abali, B. E. and Zohdi, T. I. (2018). On the accuracy of reduced-order integrated circuit simulators for computing the heat production on electronic components. Journal of Computational Electronics.
147. Zohdi, T. I. and Krone, R. (2017) Estimates on the acoustical stimulation and heating of multiphase biotissue. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology.
148. Zohdi, T. I. and B. E. Abali (2017) Modeling of power transmission and stress grading for corona protection. Computational Mechanics.
149. Fernandez-Guttierez, D., Souto-Iglesias, A. and Zohdi, T. I. (2017). A hybrid Lagrangian Voronoi-SPH scheme. Computational Particle Mechanics.
150. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). Construction of a rapid simulation design tool for thermal responses to laser-induced feature patterns. Computational Mechanics.
151. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). Laser-induced heating of dynamic depositions in additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
152. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). On simple scaling laws for pumping fluids with electrically-charged particles. Journal: International Journal of Engineering Science.
153. Zohdi, T. I. (2017). Dynamic thermomechanical modeling and simulation of the design of rapid free-form 3D printing processes with evolutionary machine learning. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
154. Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Multiple UAVs for Mapping: a review of basic modeling, simulation and applications. Annual Review of Environment and Resources.
155. Clemon, L. M. and Zohdi, T. I. (2018). On the tolerable limits of granulated recycled material additives to maintain structural integrity. Construction and Building Materials.
156. Zohdi, T. I. (2018). An upper bound on the particle-laden dependency of shear stresses at solid-fluid interfaces. Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
157. Russell, M. A., Souto-Iglesias, A. and Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Numerical simulation of Laser Fusion Additive Manufacturing processes using the SPH method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
158. Bandeira, A. A. and Zohdi, T. I. (2018). 3D numerical simulations of granular materials using DEM models considering rolling phenomena.Computational Particle Mechanics.
159. Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Modeling the spatio-thermal fire hazard distribution of incandescent material ejecta in manufacturing. Computational Mechanics.
160. Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Ultra-fast laser-patterning computation for advanced manufacturing of powdered materials exploiting knowledge-based heat-kernels. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
161. Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Rapid Voxel-Based Digital-Computation for Complex Microstructured Media. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.
162. Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Electrodynamic machine-learning-enhanced fault-tolerance of robotic free-form printing of complex mixtures. Computational Mechanics.
163. Wessels, H., Bode, T., Weissenfels, C., Wriggers, P. and Zohdi, T. I. (2018). Investigation of Heat Source Modeling for Selective Laser Melting. Computational Mechanics.
164. Park, C.Y. and Zohdi, T. I. (2019). Numerical Modeling of Thermo-Mechanically Induced Stress in Substrates for Droplet Based Additive Manufacturing Processes. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ASME.
165. Zohdi, T. I. and Castrillon, N. (2019). Variability of targeted material thermal responsesto laser-induced heating in additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, ASME.
166. Zohdi, T. I. and Campello, E. M. B. (2019). On pressurized functionalized particle-laden fluid infiltration into porous media. Journal of Multiscale Computation.
167. Zohdi, T. I. (2019). Rapid simulation-based uncertainty quantification of flash-type time-of-flight and Lidar-based body-scanning processes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
168. B. Emek Abali and Zohdi, T. I. (2019). Multiphysics computation of thermal tissue damage as a consequence of electric power absorption. Computational Mechanics.
169. Zohdi, T. I. (2019). The Game of Drones: rapid agent-based machine-learning models for multi-UAV path planning. Computational Mechanics.
170. Fernandez-Gutierrez, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2019). Voronoi smoothed particle hydrodynamics, delta-SPH. Journal of Computational Physics.
171. Park, C.Y. and Zohdi, T. I. (2019). Semi-implicit operator splitting for the simulation of Herschel–Bulkley flows with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Computational Particle Mechanics.
172. Schreiber, C., Kuhn, C., Müller, R. and Zohdi, T. I. (2020). Phase field modeling of cyclic fatigue crack growth with respect to by Paris’ law. International Journal of Fracture.
173. Xu, T., Kwon, J., Evans, K., Ma, L., Arnold, D., Yildizdag, E., Zohdi, T. I. and Ritchie, R. (2020). Scalable Electrically Conductive Spray Coating Based on Block Copolymer Nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
174. Zohdi, T., (2020) A machine-learning framework for rapid adaptive digital-twin based fire-propagation simulation in complex environments. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
175. Kim, Y.K., Alcantara, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2020). Thermal state estimation of fused deposition modeling in additive manufacturing processes using Kalman filters. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering.
176. Zohdi, T.I. (2020) Modeling and simulation of the infection zone from a cough, Computational Mechanics.
177. Zohdi, T.I. (2020). An agent-based computational framework for simulation of global pandemic and social response on planet X, Computational Mechanics.
178. Zohdi, T.I. (2020) Rapid simulation of viral decontamination efficacy with UV irradiation. Computer Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.
179. Kim, D.H., Zohdi, T.I., and Singh, R.P. (2020). Modeling, simulation and machine learning for rapid process control of multiphase flowing foods, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.
180. Maeshima, T., Kim, Y and Zohdi, T. I. (2020). Particle scale numerical modeling of thermo-mechanical phenomena for additive manufacturing using the material point method. Computational Particle Mechanics
181. Zohdi, T.I. (2020) A digital twin framework for machine learning optimization of aerial fire fighting and pilot safety, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
182. Zohdi, T.I. (2021) DEM modeling and simulation of post-impact shotgun pellet ricochet for safety analysis, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids.
183. Zohdi, T. I. (2021) A Digital-Twin and Machine-learning Framework for Ventilation System Optimization for Capturing Infectious Disease Respiratory Emissions, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering.
184. Zohdi, T. I. (2021) A Digital-Twin and Machine-learning Framework for the Design of Multiobjective Agrophotovoltaic Solar Farms, Computational Mechanics.
185. Kim, D.H., Zohdi, T.I. Tool path optimization of selective laser sintering processes using deep learning. Computational Mech (2021).
186. Kim, Y., Choi, Y., Widemann, D. and Zohdi, T. I. (2021). A fast and accurate physics-informed neural network reduced order model with shallow masked autoencoder. Journal of Computational Physics.
187. Ilias Tagkopoulos, Stephen F. Brown, Xin Liu, Qing Zhao, Tarek I. Zohdi, J. Mason Earles, Nitin Nitin, Daniel E. Runcie, Danielle G. Lemay, Aaron D. Smith, Pamela C. Ronald, Hao Feng, Gabriel David Youtsey. (2022) Special report: AI Institute for next generation food systems (AIFS) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
188. Zohdi, T. I. (2022). A digital-twin and machine-learning framework for precise heat and energy management of data-centers. Computational Mechanics.
189. Zohdi, T. I. (2022) Machine-learning and Digital-Twins for Rapid Evaluation and Design of Injected Vaccine Immune Responses. Computer Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.
190. Zohdi, T. I. (2022) An adaptive digital framework for energy management of complex multi-device systems. Computational Mechanics.
191. Zohdi, T. I. (2022) A machine-learning framework for the simulation of nuclear deflection of Planet-Killer-Asteroids. Computer Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.
192. Castrillon, N., Rock, A. and Zohdi, T. I. (2022) Thermal Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification of Tool for Automated Garment Assembly. Computational Mechanics.
193. Zohdi, T. I. (2022) A Note on Rapid Genetic Calibration of Artificial Neural Networks. Computational Mechanics.
194. Isied, R. Mengi, E. and Zohdi, T. I. (2022) A digital twin framework for genomic-based optimization of an agrophotovoltaic greenhouse system. Proceeding of the Royal Society A. Volume 478, Issue 2267.
195. Zohdi, T. I. and Moridis, G. J. (2022) A multiphysics model for the thermoelectric dissociation of gas hydrates. International Journal of Engineering Science.
196. Goodrich, P., Betancourt, O., Arias, A., and Zohdi, T. I.(2022) Placement and drone flight path mapping of agricultural soil sensors using machine learning. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
197. Mengi, E., Samara, O.A., and Zohdi, T. I.(2023) Crop-driven optimization of agrivoltaics using a digital-replica framework. Smart Agricultural Technology. Volume 4,
198. Aldakheel, F., Elsayed, E., Zohdi, T. and Wriggers, P. (in press) Efficient Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials Using Deep Neural Nets. Computational Mechanics.
199. Zohdi, T. I. A machine-learning digital-twin for rapid large-scale solar-thermal energy system design, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2023) 115991,
200. Zohdi, T. I. Machine-learning a perfect bending soccer goal shot, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2023) 116261,
201. Zohdi, T. I. and Zohdi-Mofid, M. Rapid machine-learning enabled design and control of precise next-generation cryogenic surgery in dermatology. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2023) 116220.
202. Zohdi, T.I. A voxel-based machine-learning framework for thermo-fluidic identification of unknown objects. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2023) 116571.
203. Mengi, E., Becker, C.J., Sedky M., Yu S., and Zohdi, T.I. A digital-twin and rapid optimization framework for optical design of indoor farming systems. Computational Mechanics (2023).
204. Tagkopoulos, I., Brown, S. F., Liu, X., Zhao, Q., Zohdi, T.I., Earles J. M., Nitin, N., Runcie D.E., Lemay, D. G., Smith, A. D., Ronald, P. C., Feng, H., Youtsey, G. D. Special report: AI Institute for next generation food systems (AIFS). Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (2024).
205. Betancourt, J. O., Li, I., Mengi, E., Corrales, L., and Zohdi, T. I. A Computational Framework for Precise Aerial Agricultural Spray Delivery Processes. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (2024).
206. Zohdi, T.I. A Machine-Learning Enabled Digital-Twin Framework for the Rapid Design of Satellite Constellations for “Planet-X”. Computational Mechanics (2024).
207. Isied, R. S., Zohdi, T. I. A coupled thermo-mechanical material point model of binder jetted green part sintering. Computational Mechanics (2024).
208. Zohdi, T. I. A digital-twin for rapid simulation of modular Direct Air Capture systems. International Journal of Engineering Science (2024).
209. Zohdi, T. I. A machine-learning enabled digital-twin framework for next generation precision agriculture and forestry . Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2024) 117250.
210. Zohdi, T. I. A voxel-based machine-learning digital-oven-twin for precise cooking. Computational Mechanics (2024).
211. Horii, M., Gould, A., Yun, Z., Ray, J., Salta, C., and Zohdi, T. (2024). Calibration verification for stochastic agent-based disease spread models, December 2024, PLOS ONE 19(12) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pne.0315429.